Electro Optical Components introduces a series of revolutionary high sensitivity, high performance, low power &, small size gas imaging detector modules. Because they operate at higher temperatures (140K vs 77K) than other cooled MID IR Arrays, they last longer. They can detect more than 400 kinds of VOC gases such as methane, ethanol, gasoline, benzene, etc.. These detectors can quickly pinpoint the failure and give clear vision of leaking gases. They can scan large areas rapidly and pinpoint leaks in real time. They are ideal for monitoring areas that are difficult to reach with contact measurement tools. They can locate the source of the leakage or discharge, greatly improving the efficiency of leak detection.
The regular and mini versions are both available in 2 array densities – 320×256 and 640×512.
Mini Version EOC-GDI- Data Sheet
Standard Version EOC-GDI- Data Sheet
If you want a complete OGI infrared camera system using this technology, the Gas Detection Imaging Systems are the solution.
Technical Notes:
HOT Optical Gas Imaging Detectors vs 77K Detectors Comparison