Electro Optical Components introduces the new 4H2S-100HT Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) sensor, for applications in high…
Gas & Radiation Sensors for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Electro Optical Components and SemeaTech remain committed to on time delivery gas and radiation sensors during the COVID-19 pandemic. They offer a full line of electrochemical and radiation sensors for detecting hazardous materials and gases for work safety and environmental protection.
EOC and SemeaTech offer gas sensor products featuring minimized environmental impact, no application errors, higher resolutions, increased sensitivity, improved stability, better exchangeability, wider measuring ranges, etc.
Their Gamma Sensor Module consists of a cesium iodide crystal, a photodiode, and a high-gain preamplifier that can be used to measure X and γ radiation from 50keV to 3MeV. It features high sensitivity and a fast response time. The SemeaAlert-Gamma is a Personal Alarm for exposure to ionizing radiation hazards. It works as an alert for those those who are concerned about accidental exposure to ionizing radiation hazards in the environment.
These gas and radiation sensors are distributed in North America by:
Electro Optical Components Inc.
Toll Free: (855) 362-6300; (707) 568-1642