Fast and precise calorimetric measurements with the gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensor
The gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensor enables fast and highly precise measurements of heat flows in a variety of applications, including calorimetry. Calorimetric measurements are of paramount importance in the field of chemical engineering, physical chemistry, materials science and biology.
Chemical engineering: Calorimetric data is essential for process safety control. The heat release rate of chemical reactions must be known in order to design the equipment for large scale synthesis.
Material science: The engineering of energetic materials like phase change materials for latent heat energy storage relies on precise calorimetric measurements. The same applies for many analytical techniques in materials science like the measurement of heat capacities or the investigation of micro-structural changes.

Biology: Calorimetry is used for non-invasive measurements of metabolic activities of biological systems, from cell cultures up to athletes.
With the gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensor greenTEG specifically developed a thin sensor, which further improves the measurement results of industrial calorimetric systems. The customizable dimensions of the gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensor enable the straight-forward integration into complex measurement setups and space-restricted environments. Its fast response time increases the productivity of research labs, as it shortens measurement periods. Furthermore, the small size and high sensitivity allows for precise calorimetric measurements even on very small scales, increasing the cost efficiency and safety of research environments.
How to use the gSKIN®
To measure the heat flows, the gSKIN® is mounted at the appropriate position. The output signal of the gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensor is a voltage. The voltage signal is proportional to the heat flux passing through the sensor surface. Voltmeters, dataloggers, and other electronic designs can be used as read-out option. To convert the voltage signal into the heat flow measurement, the voltage is divided by the sensor-specific sensitivity.
Application note for Calorimetry
Application Note for Dissolution of Salt in Water
Advantages of the gSKIN®
- Low thermal invasiveness results in high precision
- Highly qualified calibration for conductive heat flux measurements scientifically published: Schwyter, E. (2012): Fully automated measurement setup for non-destructive characterization of thermoelectric materials near room temperature. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Vol.: 83, 7 (July 2012)
- greenTEG also offers thermal simulations for understanding calorimetry systems