Electro Optical Components offers their O2 (Oxygen) sensor that has longer life and is lead free…

Low Crosstalk Acetylene (C2H2) and Ethylene/Ethene (C2H4) Sensors
The gas detection industry use ETO sensor to detect Acetylene and Ethylene (Ethene). The problem using ETO sensors is that they don’t have good selectivity. They react to many other gases. If selectivity is an issue, the SemeaTech Acetylene (C2H2) & Ethylene / Ethene (C2H4) sensors are way better. The petrochemical processes create a great amount of C2H2, and it is highly flammable and dangerous. These sensors are the solution.

Examples of the selectivity are for the Acetylene sensors are:
Gas Concentration SemeaTech Crosstalk ETO Crosstalk
CO 100ppm <1ppm 125ppm
H2S 50ppm <1ppm 55ppm
NO 50ppm <1ppm 80ppm
These high performance Acetylene and Ethylene / Ethene sensors are offered by:
Electro Optical Components Inc.
Toll Free: (855) 362-6300 | (707) 568-1642