These Electro Optical Component 266nm, 355nm, 532nm and 1064nm Sub-nanosecond Lasers (Micro Chip Lasers) are…

Mini Spectrometer for Solids, Liquids and Powders
LMS-R LED Minispectrometer from Electro Optical Components is the new ultra compact, lightweight instrument for spectral analysis in the near-infrared range 1.3 –2.4 μm. It enables very fast and simple measurement procedure of various samples: solids, liquids, powders.
Main benefits of the LMS-R LED Minispectrometer are:
- Can do qualitative and quantitative analysis of solid, liquid or powder samples;
- High measurement speed: 1 s;
- Compact Sizes and Weight: 60x42x42 mm and 130g;
- Low power consumption: max 2.5 W;
- Power and operation from PC via USB interface;
- Provided with a software for Windows PCs.
This versatile and compact analytical tool is available in North America from Electro Optical Components Inc.