Electro Optical Components offers ANAREX Custom Multigas Analyzers to fit what you need. These Gas…
Nitrous Oxide Greenhouse Gas Measurement with NDIR
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas 300 times more harmful than carbon dioxide (CO2). It can be precisely monitored using smartGAS FLOWEVO NDIR Sensors.
In Agriculture, Food Processing, Fossil Fuel Emissions and Chemical Production nitrous oxide is a byproduct. Using the smartGAS FLOWEVO NDIR Sensors you can monitor to 500ppm levels.
These and other smartGAS NDIR sensors are distributed in North America by:
Electro Optical Components Inc.
Toll Free: (855) 362-6300 | (707) 568-1642
info@eoc-inc.com | www.eoc-inc.com