D41 LED Driver
D-41 Driver provides pulse mode of operation. Using this mode it is possible to choose one of five current values (0.2/0.6/1/1.5/1.9 A) and select one of four frequencies (0.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 8 kHz and 16 kHz). It is also possible to choose pulse duration within four values (2/5/10/20 µs).
D-51 LED Driver
D-51 Driver has the same characteristics as D-41 and also has an important feature:
- Temperature control – possibility to define LED p-n junction temperature using current-voltage dependence. Driver generates the low current signal for plugged LED, measures and puts out the voltage. Using the obtained voltage value it is possible to calculate the intrinsic LED temperature.

MCD Multichannel Driver
New multichannel driver MCD for power supply of multi-element LED arrays (that include up to 8 LED chips).
- Power supply of arrays comprising of Mid-IR LEDs, supporting up to 8 channels;
- Photodiode signal processing and amplification;
- Synchronization of LED and photodiode signals.

mD-1c Mini Driver
mD-1c Minidriver provides qCW mode of operation with fixed signal data parameters (amplitude, repetition rate and pulse duration).
mD-1p Mini Driver
mD-1p Minidriver provides pulse mode of operation with fixed signal data parameters (amplitude, repetition rate and pulse duration).

SDM Synchronous Detector
SDM synchronous detector measures the voltage signal from the output of photodiode preamplifier and converts it to the DC voltage signal proportional to amplitude of voltage from input.

TCM Thermocontroller
TCM thermocontroller is designed for control and adjustment of temperature of LMSNT light-emitting diode and photodiode models with built-in thermoelectric modules (thermocoolers).