Uses Glan Taylor Polarizers
for the attenuation
Faraday Optical
Isolators / Rotators
40dB isolation is achievable
Broadband & Ultra Wide Band Faraday Optical Isolators
Isolator/Rotator with a broad wavelength band coverage
Q-Switches / Pockels Cells
For modulation, Q-switching, pulse slicing and pulse picking
High extinction ratio polarizers
with low reflection losses
Spatial Light Modulators
Modulators individually manipulate each pixel in real time
Beamsplitter Cubes
Reflects one wavelength,
transmits the other
Beam Shaper for Lasers
Change the Gaussian profile of a light source to a Top-Hat profile
Beam Expander for Lasers
Expands the laser beam

ZnSe Optics for Lasers
ZnSe Scanning Lenses and Beam Expanders for high wavelength applications
Diamond optics
CVD diamonds provide superior properties of diamond in
larger sizes at a lower cost
Optical Components
Wide range of electro optic and passive optical components
M Plan APO (Apochromat)
Objective Lens
Creates a flat, chromatic
aberration-free image over
the entire field of view
CO2 Laser Reflective Mirrors
Applications for gold coated mirrors include CO2 laser mirrors, Er;YAG lasers, Near IR, Far IR, Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL), Phase Retarding CO2 Mirrors and high power fiber lasers
Dielectric Mirrors for High Power
Provide high reflectance for high power applications over a broad bandwidth.
Transmissive Optical Assemblies
These assemblies increase average power levels of modern Pulsed and CW Fiber lasers
Single Point Diamond Turning
Ability to machine a wide range of materials including fused silica, zinc selenide, zinc sulfide and other glasses.
Germanium Windows
Excellent broadband infrared (IR) window and substrate, transmittance 2.0-25 µm
Sapphire Windows
Tough, scratch-resistant material, transmittance -0.2 (UV) – 6µm
Scintillator Crystals and Ceramics
For Medical Imaging, High Energy Physics, Gamma Detection and more
EOC offers a wide range of electro optic and passive optical components including:
- Attenuators, Beamsplitters
- Pockels cells, Electro optic Q-switches
- Electro-optic phase and amplitude modulators
- High quality calcite crystal polarizers
- Faraday rotators and isolators
- High voltage drive electronics such as Q-switch drivers and high voltage linear amplifiers for Pockels cell modulators
- Lens / Filters / Mirrors / Windows
Optical materials include:
- KD*P
- Lithium Niobate
- Calcite
- Germanium
- T.G.G.
- Glass
- Sapphire