Systems Development & Solutions (SDS) broadens its product line to respond to specific market demands with new developments in high-voltage power supply units. Using its longstanding expertise in high-voltage supply components and systems, SDS has expanded its current product line with results from several R&D projects. These new products are specialized power supplies fitted to dedicated applications such as micro channel plates, streak cameras, Pockels cells, APDs, CCD intensifiers, mass spectrometry detectors. In addition, two benchtop and/or portable instruments are now available: a HV power supply for multipurpose HV applications and a gamma (y) radiometer.

Product | Application | Voltage - Max |
GIPO Series HV Pulse Generators | Pockels cell / High Capacitance Devices | 8000V |
BTX Series Compact HV Power Supply | High voltage AC-DC bench-top power supply | 0 - 100V to 8000V |
FPB Compact PMT Power Supply | PMT Power Supply built into the PMT Socket | 1500V |
MCP Compact Power Supply | High Voltage Power Supply for Microchennel Plates | 3000V |
High Voltage Linear Ramp Generator | Streak Camera Power Supply | 1500V |
GAM Gamma Ray Radiometer | Portable Gamma-Ray Radiameter w Geiger-Muller Tube | N/A |